Thursday, February 11, 2010

Huge Loss for the Pop World Today

Fashion designer Alexander McQueen has been found dead at his London home.  No details on a potential cause of death.  He was 40 years old.

McQueen had worked with some of the most innovative, visually engaged pop artists of the last four decades, including Bjork, David Bowie, and more recently Lady Gaga.  His interest in technology, performance, narrative, and design garnered wide-spread acclaim across industries.

McQueen designed the iconic album cover for Bjork's Homogenic (1997)

In an era when the visual component of pop music -- which, despite purist moaning, has been with us since the birth of rock n' roll -- is decreasing in relevance and power, McQueen's death spells out a whole other layer of meaning for those of us who didn't even know him and is all the more sad.

Alexander McQueen

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